Hunt Crossing 100 Telegram Users

With hunt reaching its second day, it is continuing with the first day momentum. SwatantraHunt Telegram group designed by Space is getting wider acceptance than we expected. The telegram group is now having  100 plus hunters and getting heavy traffic each day. Currently SwatantraHunt has 350+ users and over 10000 Attempts. A 'Cluemasterbot' is designed to respond for the clue request from various users and is currently doing a fantastic job.

If you are registerd under student section and you need 3rd clue of 4th question , you need to ask the bot as ' @Cluemasterbot SL4C3 ' . The same request for techie section would be ' @Cluemasterbot TL4C3'. Expecting 'Cluemaster ' under heavy work load in the upcoming days.
