Web Maker Summer Party 2012

SPACE has been working with the public libraries of Kerala in India since 2011 with the object of strengthening their role in the digital era. One of the planned activities was to develop web content creators among the steady volunteers of the library. In the summer of 2012 (April-May), we started conducting workshops for student volunteers from three libraries in Kerala. We jointly decided the scope of the website, themes to be covered and sources of information. For a month, volunteers of the library went about collecting content for the website.

Some time in between, we came to know about the WebMaker initiative. We were struck by some of the similarities it had with our initiative. We thought it would be interesting if we could sync with Web Maker. Finally we launched our own Summer Code party of WebMaker on June 23-24. (Incidentally, we are long past summer here. It is officially the monsoon season, though the rains are to pour in steadily)
So the party is on. We sowed the seeds of passion for web making among the youth and children in three villages of Kerala. You can read report from Kozhikode and Panamattam.
Reports of preparatory events.
