Hurray ! We have 1K Hunters

SwatantraHunt crossed another milestone today. We now have 1000 users registerd at SwatantraHunt. Special thanks for all those who helped us in spreading the hunt wide and we acheived this target in just 6 days. It was an incredible performance since the hunt launched and it definitely received warm welcome in both student and techie community . We are progressing quickly to 70K total attempts. 

We have over 70 students playing at  level 20 or above and 'Vikash Kumar' from IIIT Allahabad is currently at the top with Level 23. From the techie/others section , we also have 57 players at level 20 or above with 'Yogesh Patil' from BITS Pilani at the top with Level 23. The interesting thing is that both category of players are progressing at the same pace which was quite unexpected.

The closing date of the SwatantraHunt will be announced Next day...
